Add to Cart Calf Skin C10 Now: $150.00 MSRP: Was: Such a beautiful marbling of colors on this hide you will easily stare at this for hours.
Add to Cart Calf Skin C2 Now: $150.00 MSRP: Was: A mostly black and white hide it has just little wisps of brown on the edges.
Add to Cart Calf Skin C2. Now: $125.00 MSRP: Was: A deep black calf skin with little bits of white on the lower half.
Add to Cart Calf Skin C7 Now: $150.00 MSRP: Was: A good sandy color this tan and white hide will brighten up and décor.
Add to Cart Calf Skin C1. Now: $125.00 MSRP: Was: A stunning blacks hide with a bordering of white on the edges.